《无纸矢量动画制作软件》(Toon Boom Digital Pro v7.3.2.4250)[压缩包]
摘要: 发行时间: 2009年
语言: 英文
时间: 3月19日 发布 | 12小时前 更新
中文名: 动画制作
英文名: Toon Boom Digital Pro v7.3.2.4250
资源格式: 压缩包
发行时间: 2009年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
官方网站 http://www.toonboom.com/products/digitalpro/
Toon Boom Animation 发布了新版 Toon Boom Digital Pro 此次加入了许多新功能。这是一款为无纸动画设计的,Flash 动画师转换容易的,同时低投入高产出,还有动画专家支持的 flash 动画软件。
转换到获得基于艾美奖获奖技术的Toon Boom Digital Pro可以增加你项目的质量和加快你项目的进度。Toon Boom Digital Pro包括所有的Toon Boom Studio的特征和为你的动画工具增加了以下几个新功能:
Toon Boom Digital Pro是一个基于实时的矢量引擎。绘画采用准确的等宽的容易编辑的中心线,支持压感笔。可保持扫描图像的原始笔触和直接用纹理绘画。Toon Boom Digital Pro支持10K16位颜色通道的高质量位图,提供您保护 当连贯视觉效果执行并且没有条带作用在微妙的颜色改变修正环绕的错误。使用Toon Boom Digital Pro,你可以开发从切割动画到逐帧动画没有任何的质量和风格的丢失。Toon Boom Digital Pro可以做传统动画,序列动画,无纸动画,切割动画。
使用Toon Boom Digital Pro,你可以开始动画,连接摄像机到到任何轨道上,修改调色板和校正合成特效的颜色。这些都应该多谢Toon Boom Digital Pro的直线的工作流程。当你在网络视图是,你可以管理动画,绘图,摄像机,合成和特技效果在一个单一的环境和操纵模块,以适用于任何组合的影响因素的实时性要求。有超过50个可供选择的特效。从模糊,颜色校正,阴影,变形到色调突出到完成你的合成任务而不用渲染和输出到其它的软件处理。其综合的流程,领先工具和无纸生产,无论生产是一个独立的短片或专题的电影项目。Toon Boom Digital Pro都可以大大降低其经营成本。
这不是巧合的,Toon Boom Digital Pro是世界领先的工作室首选技术。Toon Boom Digital Pro许多最先进的工具,以及所有的基本动画工具。
装配工具是为了各个定位钉和元素连接在一起的健壮框架。Toon Boom Digital Pro让你选择最好地适合你的案例的装配工具,例如打开装配是完全自由的和一些从属物体完整的层级。Toon Boom Digital Pro甚至可以让你组合几个技术在同一个角色。反向动力学工具(IK)让你完成你想要完成的看起来自然的姿势,而不用必须计划各个元素的位置。当然使用Toon Boom Digital Pro你可以随时返回到正向动力学动画。变形是Toon Boom Digital Pro另一个节省时间的工具。要先掌握关键帧。可以自动创建中间帧。增加您的生产的质量不需要增加额外时间在2个口的绘画关键帧应用变形工具。Toon Boom Digital Pro都包括高级的自动的自动联接和缝合的粘着特效。
Toon Boom Digital Pro is the only complete paperless animation software. Designed for professionals and freelancers alike Toon Boom Digital Pro offers high productivity with low operating costs. Based on our Emmy award-winning technology, Toon Boom Digital Pro combines superior vector technology for content creation, real-time animation and compositing stages, all set in a multi-plane 3D space environment.
Productivity tools such as palette management, lip-sync, morphing and inverse kinematics enable users to unleash their creativity. Toon Boom Digital Pro comes with kick-start programmes to ensure successful and seamless studio integration, extensive training material and reliable customer support. Toon Boom Digital Pro is the tool of choice for animation projects ranging from the simplest to the most detailed, from digital to complete cut-out styles.
1. extract , install
2. start program
3. close it.
4. replace original .exe with the cracked
5. run the program and close it again.
6. now you can start again to work with it.
7. Enjoy!
NFO:- Toon.Boom.Digital.Pro.v7.3.2.4250
- RLS DATE...: 18/03/2009
- CRaCKER....: NoPE
- TyPE.......: Crack
- PaCKER.....: NoPE
- SiZE.......: 45x.5.00MB
- CoMPANY....: toonboom
- URL........: http://www.toonboom.com/products/digitalpro/
- SuPPLiER...: Your Sister
- Toon Boom Digital Pro is the only complete
- paperless animation software. Designed for
- professionals and freelancers alike Toon
- Boom Digital Pro offers high productivity
- with low operating costs. Based on our Emmy
- award-winning technology, Toon Boom Digital
- Pro combines superior vector technology for
- content creation, real-time animation and
- compositing stages, all set in a
- multi-plane 3D space environment.
- Productivity tools such as palette
- management, lip-sync, morphing and inverse
- kinematics enable users to unleash their
- creativity. Toon Boom Digital Pro comes
- with kick-start programmes to ensure
- successful and seamless studio integration,
- extensive training material and reliable
- customer support. Toon Boom Digital Pro is
- the tool of choice for animation projects
- ranging from the simplest to the most
- detailed, from digital to complete cut-out
- styles.
- Designed for Paperless Animation
- Based on over a decade of animation
- production expertise, Toon Boom Digital Pro
- includes all of the most advanced features
- used by the leading studios worldwide.
- Perfect Upgrade for Flash Animators
- Toon Boom Digital Pro brings users to a new
- level of creativity and productivity,
- thanks to true animation tools and
- field-proven workflows.
- High Productivity with Low Operating Costs
- Compared to current production workflows,
- Toon Boom Digital Pro significantly reduces
- the operational costs with its integrated
- pipeline, leading-edge toolset and
- paperless production. These savings can be
- realized whether the production is an
- independent short or a feature length film
- project.
- Supported by Animation Experts
- Providing the best support in the industry,
- Toon Boom Animation personnel delivers
- customized kick start programmes,
- professional consulting services and timely
- support in several languages. The support
- team are experts in all animation styles
- and production workflows.
- 1. extract , install
- 2. start program
- 3. close it.
- 4. replace original .exe with the cracked
- one
- 5. run the program and close it again.
- 6. now you can start again to work with it.
- 7. Enjoy!
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