EXOTIQUE 3》是由CGTalk网站(包括CGNetwoks等分站)联合Ballistic出版机构推出的EXOTIQUE系列CG艺术专业图鉴。内容主要涵盖 CGTalk上的一些分类获奖作品、作者专题等等,今年的《EXOTIQUE 3》里主要是评选 THE WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL CG CHARACTERS.
XOTIQUE 3 收录有世上最美的CG角色作品,题材包括科幻,动画,超写实及风格化的写实主义.全书共 292 页集中展示了来自45国197 位艺术家的作品同时秉承弹道一贯的高品质印刷,一朝拥有,受益匪浅!
XOTIQUE 3里面搜集了世界上最艳压群芳的数字人物设计。同时,它涉及到了极其广泛领域。它将世界各地有关科幻,童话,超现实主义等方面的CG人物统统收集在了此书里。让你体验一次空前的视觉感受。
《EXOTIQUE 3》是系列丛书的第3本
The book features 119 artists whose work appears for the first time in a Ballistic publication. With the enormous talent in our online communities, the Exotique series will continue to document the development of character art and the world’s best examples of digital character art. We’ve been very impressed with the quality of both the CG art and the books themselves – the enti... (展开全部) The book features 119 artists whose work appears for the first time in a Ballistic publication. With the enormous talent in our online communities, the Exotique series will continue to document the development of character art and the world’s best examples of digital character art. We’ve been very impressed with the quality of both the CG art and the books themselves – the entire Ballistic series has been terrific so far and we’re delighted to be one of the few places in the UK to be offering these excellent art books.