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《完美数码摄影》(Perfect Digital Photography)[PDF]

发表于 2009-10-11 22:07:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

中文名: 完美数码摄影
英文名: Perfect Digital Photography
资源格式: PDF
发行时间: 2005年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文

# Paperback: 480 pages
# Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1 edition (September 15, 2005)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 0072259213
# ISBN-13: 978-0072259216
# Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.8 x 0.9 inches
# Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds
“发现一本紧跟数字技术快速发展潮流的数码摄影书籍是非常难得的……从头到尾,这本书都充满了如何获得高品质照片以及如何确保它们成为你最好的照片的无价信息”——John Knaur,Olympus Imaging美国高级市场经理
本书由获得普利策奖的美国国家地理摄影师和Photoshop认证专家共同编写。这本全彩页的图书对于那些致力于改善照片质量以及提高数码暗房技术的人来说是必不可少的读物。完美的数码摄影是数字影像的技术指导与光影、构图、结构的艺术探寻两者的完美结合,让你在学习数码摄影必要技术的同时,亦不会忽视艺术与审美方面的技艺。 作者采用易于遵循的方式,解释了存在于拍摄、编辑、以及图像校正,直至打印输出的过程中的图像概念化过程。贯穿本书的令人惊叹的照片就是读者最终也可以获得的成果。
Expert advice for capturing, correcting, and printing exceptional images
“It is rare to discover a book on digital photography that is not technically dated by the rapid changes in the digital technology… From cover to cover this book is filled with priceless information on how to get the great photos, and how to make sure they are your best.” --John Knaur, Senior Marketing Manager Digital SLR, Olympus Imaging America
Written by a Pulitzer Prize-winning National Geographic photographer and a Photoshop certified expert, this full-color book is a must-have for anyone serious about improving both the quality of their photographs and their proficiency in the digital darkroom. Perfect Digital Photography is the perfect combination of a technical guide to digital imaging and an artistic exploration of light, composition, and form, allowing you to learn essential techniques for digital photography without losing sight of the artistic and aesthetic aspects of the craft. Using an easy-to-follow approach, the authors explain the image conceptualization process through shooting, editing, and image correction to finished print. Stunning color photographs throughout the book show you the results that you too can achieve.
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SECTION I | Creating the Image
CHAPTER 1 The Power of Photography 3
CHAPTER 2 Equipment 17
CHAPTER 3 Developing Technical Proficiency
with Your Camera 31
CHAPTER 4 Understanding Light 61
CHAPTER 5 Creative Exposures 89
CHAPTER 6 Composition 105
CHAPTER 7 Telling the Story 119
CHAPTER 8 Photographing People 135
CHAPTER 9 Travel and Documentary Photography 155
CHAPTER 10 Photographing the Natural World 177
SECTION II | The Digital Darkroom
CHAPTER 11 Welcome to the Digital Darkroom 203
CHAPTER 12 Getting Started with Lightroom 225
CHAPTER 13 Editing Your Photos 245
CHAPTER 14 Correcting Tone and Color 277
CHAPTER 15 Image Refinements 323
CHAPTER 16 Advanced Image Corrections 361
CHAPTER 17 Output 405
CHAPTER 18 Printing 439
CHAPTER 19 Multimedia Explorations 475
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