将于今年11月10日发售DVD和蓝光影碟的皮克斯动画电影《飞屋环游记》将在其中收录的一支以片中会说话的狗狗道格(Dug)为主角的特别短片《道格的特别任务(Dug’s Special Mission)》。
这支5分钟长的短片由皮克斯导演Ronnie del Carmen执导,讲述狗狗道格遇见卡尔爷爷和小童军罗素之前的故事。那时,道格正兢兢业业和和众恶犬一起执行伏击大鸟的任务,或者换个更确切的说法,实心眼的道格一次次被耍却总是傻狗有傻福……
Plot : Pixar's film Up, revealed that Dug's Special Mission "is a little bit of the backstory of what Dug was actually doing out there on this mysterious mission when we meet him [in Up]".In the short, Dug is instructed on how to catch the bird by Alpha, Beta, and Gamma, but his instructions are really intended to keep Dug away from them.
Title........: Dugs Special Mission Pixar ShortFilm UP