《Adobe Flash CS3以假乱真动画艺术设计》(How to Cheat in Flash CS3)(1 Edition)PDF
中文名: Adobe Flash CS3以假乱真动画艺术设计
英文名: How to Cheat in Flash CS3
别名: The art of design and animation in Adobe Flash CS3
版本: (1 Edition)PDF
发行时间: 2007年08月01日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
书名 : How to Cheat in Flash CS3: The art of design and animation in Adobe Flash CS3
作者 : by Chris Georgenes (Author)
出版 : Focal Press publisher
ISBN : 0240520580
本书着眼于动画创意的电脑实现及其所需酫的软件技术,深入浅出地讲述了Adobe Flash CS3的使用技巧。这是本书区别于其他以介绍软件技术为主的动画设计图书的显著特点。作者将丰富的动画创作实践经验,用深入浅出的话语娓娓道来,带您进入丰富多彩的Adobe Flash CS3动画创作世界。
Frustrated by the overwhelming nature of Flash? Want to get up to speed with the program fast so you can concentrate on your animation? Need to solve problems quickly to get work done to time and to budget? Then 'How to Cheat in Flash' is for you! This book is different from the rest because it shows you, step by step, how to work from the problem to the solution when creating Flash animations, from the viewpoint of an animator who has been commissioned to create a job and is working to a deadline. solution may involve a variety of tools and techniques; it may take many steps to complete, or only a It is task orientated; every example shows real life commercial work. So, it's not so much a case of 'what does this filter/tool/option do?', as 'this is the task I've been set - how do I achieve it?' The few. The free CD-Rom includes all the files you need to put your skills into practice as you read, and much more! It's an accessible (conversational in style), practical book and CD package which also provides artistic inspiration, a goldmine of timesaving practical tips, tricks and step-by-step workthroughs. You will wonder how you survived without it.
Intermediate to advanced users of Flash. Professional graphic and web designers, animators and illustrators. Also graphic design and animation students. There are over one and a half million Flash users!
Design styles
Transformation and Distortion
Masking; Motion tips & tricks
Character animation
Flash to video
Animation examples
Working with sound
FLV Video
Extending Flash
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