中文名: 人物造型大师
英文名: Poser Pro 2010 v8.0
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Smith Micro地区: 美国
语言: 英文
Poser 8 是最先完整呈现3D角色动画的工具。有了Poser,无论是绘图丶动画与网站制作时,都可简易地整合所有的角色特徵。
Poser 8 带来具有影响力的3D角色设计,并且创造了角色细致与生动的无限可能。提供制作角色所需的美工技术丶插图说明丶虚拟影像丶动画绘制丶漫画丶网站制作丶版画印刷丶教育知识丶医学显像丶美容整形丶游戏丶故事架构…等素材。
Figure Design (角色设计)
Poser 8 利用最新的视窗介面,增强使用与操作之间的互动功能,提供影像设计需要的所有资源,所以能够快速的制作出角色模型。Poser 8 很贴心地为您内建了多样的人类及动物造型模组。
Poser 8 融合了Shade(另一套3D软体);更方便您创造出新角色或配件等等。无论是任何型态丶各种姿势下,所有的功能与模型都提供了加强3D环境的灯光效果丶阴影效果及真实性。
Animation (动画绘制)
Poser提供的工具,缩减制作动画时的重复性,并将3D场景真实化。藉由人物丶道具丶镜头及多元化的内建材质,动画家可以使用WalkDesigner,Keyframes及Interpolation等功能,不需要手动地调整每一格,便可将平顺的动作带入动画里。在设计角色活动与姿势的时候,3D模组中包含了IK Chains 骨骼运动系统,使角色的动作自然化。
Dynamic Hair & Cloth (动态头发与衣物)
Poser 8 提供了制作角色所需的完整功能与内容,像是头发的细腻与衣服的纹路;可以直接套用在任何角色上,达到真实性的效果。Dynamic Hair可以使毛发类的成长与造型达到真实效果。甚至创造出真实般的草原丶衣服自然飘逸下垂,并随着动作而摆动,就像真的一样。还可以汇入你或朋友的照片,制作出属於个人的3D造型。
Rendering (影像着色)
Poser 能够呈现出不同风格的角色或场景,包括真实影像丶卡通丶素描丶Flash丶骨架连接丶轮廓绘制或更多。像新功能Ambient Occlusion的阴影效果丶IBL 360° 环境光源效果丶卡通画的轮廓以及Flash格式彩绘,增强角色影像的真实效果。在最新的Poser 8 里, 新增加了Shadow Catcher的功能,使用者轻易的便可制作出阴影效果;而镜头功能则可以呈现出更多不同角度的场景风格。- Supplier ..... : Team CYGiSO Release-Date .... : 2010-03-11
- Cracker ...... : Team CYGiSO Program-Rating .. : 10/10
- Price ........ : $500,00 Image Format .... : ISO
- ProgramType .. : Design/Animation Program used .... : CDRWin
- Url .......... : http://poser.smithmicro.com
- Datatracks Audiotracks Files Size
- DVD 1: 1 - 84 3995 MB
- --───────────────── Release informations ────────────────--
- Smith Micro Poser Pro 2010 v8.0.3 © Smith Micro Inc.
- Integrate animated 3D characters and gigabytes of Poser content with
- the tools in your production pipeline. Poser Pro 2010 saves time and
- resources for professional artists and production teams with
- ready-to-go, pre-rigged characters and a content library full
- of assets. Working inside Poser Pro generates dynamic images and video
- with its advanced lighting and powerful rendering technology.
- Key Features:
- -------------
- - Content Management: Find what you need in Poser's content library
- with keyword search, online search and metadata. Display previews,
- browse categories and drag and drop to scenes.
- - Professional Animation: Combine multiple layers of action into one
- fluid lifelike animation. Animate by keyframing pose to pose or
- import motion capture data. Automate walk and run cycles with natural
- gait and style with the WalkDesigner.
- - Realistic 3D detail: Create photo real images with full ranges of
- intensity and color with High Dynamic Range Image (HDRI) support. Add
- high resolution 3D detail to any mesh through the use of
- normal mapping.
- - Hosting with PoserFusion: Use Poser Pro's pre-rigged characters
- inside applications such as Autodesk's 3ds Max and Maya,
- Maxon's CINEMA 4D and NewTekÆs LightWave with the included plug-ins.
- Import and export with COLLADA data exchange.
- - Improved Rendering: Leverage your network to render massive scenes
- and animation sequences using the network render queue and background
- rendering, built on a 64-bit render engine for incredible
- speed and quality!
- - Easy Saving & Sharing: Preview recent renders directly from your
- palette for quick image comparison or uploading to a Facebook gallery
- or StuffIt Connect cloud storage service.
- --───────────────────── Requirements ──────────────────────--
- • Microsoft Windows XP, Vista or 7
- • 1.3 GHz Pentium 4 or newer
- • 1 GB RAM
- • 2 GB free hard disk space
- --───────────────────── Install-Notes ─────────────────────--
- • Unrar the files
- • Burn or mount the Image with your favorite Tool
- • Start Setup and install
- • Follow instructions from \CYGiSO\readme.txt
- • Done
- ... Enjoy another fine CYGiSO release!
- --─────────────────────── Team-News ───────────────────────--
- Dedicated util supplier
- Experienced cracker
- US/CDN/EU 100Mbit Affiliates
- If you think CYGNUS is the group for you dont hesitate to contact us!
- cyginfo@smtp.ru
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