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发表于 2010-3-16 19:56:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

中文名: 空间彩绘专家
英文名: Piranesi.2010.Pro
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v6.0.0.3672
发行时间: 2010年
制作发行: Informatix Software International地区: 美国
语言: 英文


「Piranesi空间彩绘专家」是由Informatix英国公司与英国剑桥大学都市建筑研究所针对艺术家丶建筑师丶设计师共同研发的「3D立体专业彩绘软件」。「Piranesi」这个商品名字是取自18世纪意大利建筑家兼艺术家Giovanni Battista Piranesi (柏拉尼西)的名字。

「Piranesi空间彩绘专家」融合了传统3D CG彩绘系统(Rendering)正确的透视图处理丶光和影的处理与涂绘(Paint)软件的操作性丶表现力,以及手画系统的柔软性,提供全新的彩绘环境。不需调整复杂的参数,也不需要反复花费时间进行彩绘(Rendering)计算,彩绘的结果实时显示在眼前。能够反复自由地添笔丶订正,一步一步构筑图像,在3D画布上完成各式各样手绘风格的图画,简单且短时间内制作出表现丰富的展示用彩绘成果,结合SKETCHUP是一对天然的建筑表现搭档,建筑师在很短的时间内能通过SKETCHUP创作的草图再进一步的通过彩绘大师Piranesi的碰绘最后形成水彩风格的建筑作品以及商业级的效果图。

「Piranesi空间彩绘专家」具有自己特殊的文档格式-Epix(Extended Pixel file),任何3D软件所建构好的3D文档只要存成3D DXF文件都能经由本系统所提供的程序,转换成Epix文格式(目前提供3D Studio MAX丶VIZ丶MicroStation的Plug in程序,可直接在这些软件中存成Epix格式)。因此只要建立好立体模型,不用进行旷日费时的材质轴设定丶贴材质与彩现(Render)计算,利用记录于画像中的景深(Depth)丶材料(Material)名称信息以及场景中物体的形状及面的倾斜度,将2D影像当作立体空间来绘制,快速涂绘材质丶配置点景,达到「What you see is what you get(即看即所得)」直觉式的设计观念。
  1. Piranesi 2010 Pro
  2. ©
  3. Informatix Software

  4. Release Date ......................[ 13/03/2010 ]
  5. OS Type: ..........................[ Windows ]
  6. Release Type: .....................[ Crack ]
  7. Size: .............................[ 33 x 5.00MB ]

  8. In any creative process for clients, the first
  9. presentation of ideas is vitally important.
  10. Efforts to get the client to see (and ultimately
  11. approve) the concept as a whole, rather than
  12. focusing on the detail, often result in the
  13. delivery of a loose, impressionistic
  14. visualisation of the finished building,
  15. landscaping plan or product.
  16. Piranesi 2010 excels at turning your conceptual
  17. 3D models into wonderfully atmospheric, stylised
  18. and (most importantly) persuasive visualisations,
  19. with a whole host of effects to allow you to
  20. focus the eye and the attention to the key
  21. elements of your design.

  22. Downstream, Piranesi 2010 is also adept at
  23. delivering both photorealistic and
  24. non-photorealistic renders of your fully-detailed
  25. images either for marketing use, planning
  26. applications or even award submissions.


  28. Unpack, Install.
  29. Copy patcher from /iNViSiBLE dir to:
  30. \Piranesi 2010 Pro\Program\
  31. Run and apply it.
  32. Import included license file in Piranesi when
  33. prompted.
  34. Enjoy!
  35. If you like this app, BUY iT!

  36. Experienced reversers, coders and suppliers wanted.

  37. iNViSiBLE 2010
  38. aSCii by yool, diRECT FroM sTARS

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