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发表于 2010-4-9 08:09:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《欧特克2011版数字娱乐创作套件集合(不全收录)》(Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite (Maya 2011,3ds Max 2011,Motionbuilder 2011))Win x32 & x64 [English & Japanese][光盘镜像]

中文名: 欧特克2011版数字娱乐创作套件集合(不全收录)
英文名: Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suite (Maya 2011,3ds Max 2011,Motionbuilder 2011)
资源格式: 光盘镜像
版本: Win x32 & x64 [English & Japanese]
发行时间: 2010年04月
制作发行: 欧特克,Autodesk地区: 美国
语言: 英文,日文

应用平台: Win32,Win64,



"Begin Free Trial Download
Your trial period is 30 days from the time you install your product. Once you’ve completed your installation, there will be no need to reinstall your software after purchase."


Maya 2011:
3dsMax 2011:
Modbox 2011 :

间断供源: 9:00-24:00

全球二维和三维设计、工程及娱乐软件的领导者欧特克有限公司(“欧特克”或“Autodesk”)宣布推出2011版数字娱乐创作软件,用以进行三维建模、动画、特效、渲染、合成、数字雕刻和三维绘图。最新版数字娱乐创作软件提供了全新的特性和增强功能,旨在加快工作进度、促进协同合作,帮助艺术家们最大程度地发挥创意力、优化创作效率。另外,欧特克还推出了最新版的 Autodesk Kynapse 和 Autodesk HumanIK 游戏开发中间件,专注提高游戏解决方案的易用性。
欧特克公司传媒娱乐行业高级副总裁 Marc Petit 表示,“最新推出的2011版产品为客户提供了非凡的价值,同时整合了最前沿的技术。其中有些技术是通过与行业内的领导厂商共同开发的,如索尼图形图像运作公司 (Sony Pictures Imageworks)。这些最新版的产品借助Autodesk FBX 的开放格式以及诸多创新功能大大提高了数据交互性。”
Marc Petit还表示,“Autodesk Maya 2011拥有全新的可定制化用户界面、高性能视口以及三维可编辑界面,将数字娱乐创作的工作流程带到了一个崭新的高度。而Autodesk 3ds Max 2011通过新的材质编辑器、快速的 GPU 渲染器和 HDR 合成工具使用户体验到更为一体化的渲染工作流程。”
Autodesk Maya 2011:全新的Maya创造更多价值
相比去年夏季推出的Autodesk Maya 2010,刚刚推出的Autodesk Maya 2011 实现了几大创新突破:采用了最新的可定制化用户界面,提供角色动画增强工具(包括非破坏性实时重设目标),支持宏大场景的高性能显示视窗,新的三维编辑功能支持视觉预览和虚拟化创作流程;另外,Autodesk Maya 2011还具有色彩一体化管理功能,其资产管理工具可保持工作流程的连通性,新的改进还包括优化的摄像机反求性能。Autodesk Maya 2011目前支持在64位Mac OS X Snow Leopard操作系统上运行。
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011:突破渲染障碍
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011带来的是一个功能强大的基于节点的新材质编辑器,这满足了之前Autodesk 3ds Max用户最常提出的一个要求。该软件还开发了一个高质量硬件渲染器,其提供逼真作品质量效果的速度是普通图形卡上传统渲染工艺的十倍。此外,这款软件还包含一个以 Autodesk Toxik 技术为基础的完全一体化的全功能高动态范围合成系统,以及可用来完成模型纹理和角色动画以及交互式观看高品质图像的增强工具和工作流程,这些有助于大大提高工作效率。
Autodesk Softimage 2011:用较少的时间塑造高质量角色和效果
Autodesk Softimage 2011三维空间建模、动画渲染和合成软件推出新的创新型渲染和动画工具,帮助艺术家们在较少的时间内制作出更为复杂的高质量角色和效果。该软件提供一个新的高级光影设计结构和编辑环境、一个支持在交互式创作环境 (ICE) 中支持绑定的创新型骨架结构,以及Face Robot面部表情动画工具集中的自动化口形同步功能。
Autodesk Mudbox 2011:功能强大的新工具和工作流程
Autodesk Mudbox 2011数字雕刻与绘图应用软件提供的新工具可用来辅助修改和塑造模型。它还在绘画层中添加了全新的图形调整笔刷和混合模式、矢量(Vector Displacement)地图提取功能,以及创作更高品质的模型,另外还有与Autodesk Maya和Adobe Photoshop间文件传输的增强功能。
Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011:更易于被整合到制作流程中
Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011提升了与Autodesk Maya 2011和Autodesk 3ds Max 2011之间的交互性, 这套实时三维角色动画软件可以更轻松可靠地被整合到制作流程中。现在,皮肤和形状融合变形的计算可通过图形处理器 (GPU)进行,这就大大增强了其显示性能。同时,视窗体验的交互功能大幅提高,重放速度也加快了许多倍,进一步增强了该软件作为一款实时虚拟制作系统的能力。
Autodesk FBX 2011:提供更好的连接方法
Autodesk FBX 2011数据交换技术有助于推进欧特克软件和某些第三方应用程序间的准确数据交换。其开放格式为欧特克旗下解决方案和更多第三方应用程序提供全新支持。此外,利用Epic Games的Unreal Engine 3进行游戏开发的人员可以把FBX文件直接导入Unreal Editor。目前,开发人员可以利用Python编程语言将FBX技术整合到非C++工作流程中。
Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites 2011:价值和灵活性
这些新版本产品同样会作为欧特克数字娱乐创作套件Autodesk Entertainment Creation Suites中的产品推向市场——让艺术家们和制作团队可以在节省大量成本的情况下获得各种创造性的工具集。该套件包括Autodesk Maya 2011或Autodesk 3ds Max 2011其中的一款,以及Autodesk MotionBuilder 2011实时三维角色动画软件和Autodesk Mudbox 2011数字雕刻和三维绘图软件。
Autodesk HumanIK 4.5 中间件:技术塑造逼真角色
Autodesk HumanIK动画中间件是一款运行时解决方案,用来创作全身逆向动作和重新定向,它增强了现有动画系统的功能,使角色能够更真实更动态地与他们所处的环境进行互动。Autodesk HumanIK 4.5通过在Unreal Engine中加入一个便于艺术家使用的综合功能和Maya中一个用来创作和确认角色的Characterization插件,从而简化了这款软件的操作性。
Autodesk Kynapse 7 中间件:在游戏中增加智能化功能
Autodesk Kynapse中间件是用于游戏开发和实时模拟的世界领先的人工智能(AI) 解决方案,已经有100多个游戏采用了这一技术。这一高性能人工智能引擎支持复杂动态的三维路径搜索、空间推理、团队协作和自动化数据生成。Kynapse 7具有新的路径数据生成功能,增强了调整和加工技术,简化了整合和配置过程,开箱即用的行为配置库,让用户的使用更加便捷。

  Maya 集成了Alias/Wavefront 最先进的动画及数字效果技术。她不仅包括一般三维和视觉效果制作的功能,而且还与最先进的建模、数字化布料模拟、毛发渲染、运动匹配技术相结合。Maya 可在Windows NI 与 SGI IRIX 操作系统上运行。在目前市场上用来进行数字和三维制作的工具中,Maya 是首选解决方案。
Maya Complete所包含的模块
  业界技术领域的NURBS 和 POLYGON 工具。
  高度直觉化、用于数字雕塑的画笔,可以对NURBS 和 POLYGON 进行操作。
  Trax 非线性动画编辑器,逆向动力学(IK),强大的角色皮肤连接功能,高级的变形工具。
  Paint Effects
  个性化以及脚本化Maya 的开放式界面。
  Maya Unlimited所包含模块
  Advance Modeling
  附加的NURBS 和细分建模工具加工建造精确、真实的模型。
  Match Moving
  用Maya 制作的三维元素准确地匹配原始拍摄素材。
  Maya Composer LE
  运行在SGI IRIX 工作站上的版本,是Maya Composer 的离线合成系统。
最新版本Maya 2011功能更新:
- 重新设计的用户界面:基于诺基亚跨平台应用程序和用户界面框架Qt(2008年初收购自Trolltech),定制更简单,具备可停靠界面元素,并改进了编辑器。
- 高性能核心:全面重新设计的图形流水线,复杂场景的性能达到全新水准,并改善了视图区反馈质量。
- Mac OS X 64位原生支持:可在64位苹果系统架构上访问更多内存,可以更快地处理更庞大、更复杂的场景。
- 加速的3D Editorial
- 增强的蒙皮工作流
- 改进的Maya合成
Maya 2011英文版、日文版将于2011年4月上市,独立授权建议零售价3495美元,旧版升级价1745美元,Autodesk订阅每年595美元。
Detailed Maya Features
Autodesk? Maya? 2011 software features a powerful new set of tools for helping create and repurpose character animation. And with an invigorated user interface (UI) to make artists more efficient, along with a new 64-bit offering for Mac OS? X operating system, Maya 2011 is more accessible. Meanwhile, Maya 2011 helps address real-world production pipeline challenges, with an accelerated viewport display for large scenes; a completely new UI toolkit; and new solutions for 3D editorial, color management, scene segmentation, and rotoscoping.
Enhanced User Interface
Enjoy a consistent, enhanced user experience on all supported platforms with an updated user interface that offers a fresh new look, dockable UI elements, more flexible editors, and a new color chooser and file browser.

Accelerated Skinning Workflow
Create better skinned characters with more realistic deformations in less time, with new skinning tools and workflows: a dual quaternion option for smooth skinning, interactive volume binding, multiple enhancements to the Paint Skin Weights tool, deformer weight mirroring, and a surface falloff mode for the Wrap deformer.

Non-Destructive Live Retargeting
More quickly and easily reuse, correct, and enhance motion-capture and certain other animation data with a new non-destructive retargeting workflow which uses the Autodesk? HumanIK? (HIK) libraries. Transfer animation from one character to another and adjust retargeting parameters live to see and edit results without the need to re-bake.

64-bit Support for Mac OS X
Mac OS X users can access considerably more memory to handle larger and more complex scenes with the new 64-bit executable.

3D Editorial
Accelerate pre-visualization and virtual movie-making production with new 3D Editorial capabilities in Maya. The new Camera Sequencer enables artists to layout and manage multiple camera shots in a single animation sequence. Start laying out shots in Maya, or import an EDL from editorial with associated movie, audio, and time code information. Then change the timings of shots, create alternate versions, and use Playblast to playback and review the sequence before optionally re-exporting an EDL to editorial for further refinement.

Enhancements to Assets and File Referencing
More easily segment, re-use, and exchange data with or without file referencing. Data can be exported and imported as offline files to flexibly partition scenes, while reference edits can be imported, exported, and removed without unloading. A new option to create assets with transforms (DAG assets) enables them to be directly positioned, parented, instanced, and light-linked, streamlining the most common assets workflows.

Color Management
Make better decisions and preserve creative intent throughout the rendering pipeline by working within the context of the final color space in which images can be viewed. A working color profile can be set globally and overridden on individual textures and render passes. With new 32-bit support in the Render View, display images through LUTs, and control Contrast, Exposure, Tone Mapping, and Gamma. Initial support is through mental ray? for Maya renderer, with a robust API to enable other renderers to take advantage of the system.

Qt User Interface Toolkit
Maya now uses the Qt user interface, resulting in a number of advantages for technical users. For example, users can more easily create interface components for proprietary tools with Qt Designer and load them directly into Maya.
Large Scene Performance
A new interactive viewport significantly improves display frame rates. Level editors and other users working with large scenes and many textures can achieve frame rates several times faster than possible with previous versions of Maya by enabling this display method.
Vector Paint in Maya Composite
Perform complex rotoscoping operations such as removing or replacing elements from live action plates using the new vector paint option in Maya Composite.

System Requirements 系统要求
To run software at an optimal level, your computer hardware configuration will have to meet the minimal list of requirements. See this list of qualified hardware and systems requirements that are necessary to run your software application.
For 32-bit Autodesk Maya 2011
Microsoft? Windows? 7 Professional operating system
Microsoft? Windows? Vista? Business (SP2 or higher)
Microsoft? Windows? XP Professional (SP3 or higher)
Procesor: Intel? Pentium? 4 or higher, AMD Athlon? 64, or AMD Opteron? processor, AMD Phenom? processor
4 GB free hard drive space
Qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL? graphics card
Three-button mouse with mouse driver software
DVD-ROM drive
Maya Composite functionality media cache requirements for playback:
10 GB minimum, 200 GB recommended
Microsoft? Internet Explorer? 7.0 or higher, Apple? Safari? or Mozilla? Firefox? web browser

3ds Max 简介:
 3Ds MAX 2011! 我们有在 GDC 的 annouced 3Ds MAX 2011和能现在特征组合。 (正式地) 我们为 3D立体最大在高耸的特征组合中有一个强硬的零工 2010, 我们希望我们已经来有新的释放结束。 你将会找对早先的特征新特征, XBR 特征和进步的一个混合.
  3Ds MAX 2011设计不被在这次正式地,因此,我们正在保存在 3Ds MAX 2011上的焦点而且娱乐立刻使用。 特征-明智的,他们有效地是相同的。 ( 想法为 3Ds MAX 2011设计捐献客户有一种附加的利益将会被)
  主要特征和利益 Autodesk 3Ds MAX 2011 2011个软件为创造和质地模型,使个性有生气, 而且产生高质量图像提供无法抗拒的新技术。 合并加速 2011个软件对两者的个体重要地帮助增加生产力的每天工作流程, 3Ds MAX 2011的工具而且串谋在游戏,视觉的效果和电视制造上的团队工作。 艺术家能把重心集中在创造力, 而且有自由反复地精炼他们的工作在最少量的时间中取他们的最后输出的质量最大值。
  高耸特征和利益用石板瓦盖上物质的编者容易地看得见而且编辑物质的成份关系板色,一个新的节- 建立帮助的物质编者重要地改良工作流程和生产力为艺术家创造和编辑合成物物质的网络。 直觉的概要结构在今天之前被设计处理材料的巨大数字必需的要求多的制造
3ds max 2011的新功能
3ds max 2011增加了板岩材质编辑器功能
3ds max 2011可自由界面定制功能
3ds max 2011 集成CAT
  现在,充分考虑3ds Max软件,CAT集成一个地地道道的提供现成的先进的角色和动画系统。
We've annouced 3ds Max 2011 at GDC and can now reveal the feature set (officially). We had a tough chore in topping the feature set for 3ds Max 2010, we hope we've come close with this new release. You'll find a mix of new features, XBR features and improvements to previous features. More details will be available March 25th, but here are more vdieos/pictures on the Area:
3ds Max Design is not officially announced at this time, so we're keeping the focus on 3ds Max and Entertainment uses right now. Feature-wise, they are effectively the same (thought there is an added benefit for 3ds Max Design subscription customers that will be announced).
Key Features and Benefits
Autodesk? 3ds Max? 2011 software offers compelling new techniques for creating and texturing models, animating characters, and producing high-quality images. Incorporating tools that accelerate everyday workflows, 3ds Max 2011 software helps significantly increase productivity for both individuals and collaborating teams working on games, visual effects, and television productions. Artists can focus on creativity, and have the freedom to iteratively refine their work to maximize the quality of their final output in the least amount of time.
Top Features and Benefits
Slate Material Editor
Easily visualize and edit material component relationships with Slate, a new node-based material editor that helps significantly improve workflow and productivity for artists creating and editing complex material networks. The intuitive schematic framework is engineered to handle the vast numbers of materials required by today’s demanding productions.

Quicksilver Hardware Renderer
Create high-fidelity pre-visualizations, animatics, and games-related marketing materials in less time with Quicksilver, an innovative new hardware renderer that helps produce high-quality images at incredible speeds. This new multi-threaded rendering engine utilizes both the CPU and the GPU, and supports alpha and z-buffer render elements; depth-of-field; motion blur; dynamic reflections; area, photometric, ambient occlusion, and indirect lighting effects along with precision adaptive shadow maps; and the ability to render at larger-than-screen resolutions.

Local Edits to Containers
Collaborate more efficiently with significantly enhanced workflows for Containers that enable users to layer local edits non-destructively on top of referenced content. Meet tight deadlines by working in parallel: while one user iteratively edits unlocked aspects of the container, another can continue to refine the underlying data. Multiple users can contribute changes to different elements of the same container at once, while simultaneous edits to the same component are prevented.

Modeling and Texturing Enhancements
Accelerate modeling and texturing tasks with new tools that extend the Graphite modeling and Viewport Canvas toolsets: a revised toolset for 3D painting and editing textures within the viewport; the ability to paint with object brushes to create geometry within a scene; a new brush interface for editing UVW coordinates; and an interactive tool for extending edge loops.

Viewport Display of 3ds Max Materials
Develop and refine scenes in a high-fidelity interactive display environment—without the constant need to re-render— with the new ability to view most 3ds Max texture maps and materials in the viewport. Modelers and animators can make interactive decisions in a context that more closely matches the final output, helping reduce errors and enhance the creative storytelling process.
3ds Max Composite
Enhance rendered passes and incorporate them into live action footage with 3ds Max Composite: a fully-featured, high-performance, HDR-capable compositor, based on technology from Autodesk? Toxik? software. The 3ds Max Composite toolset incorporates keying, color correction, tracking, camera mapping, raster and vector paint, spline-based warping, motion blur, depth of field, and tools to support stereoscopic productions.
In-Context Direct Manipulation UI
Save time when modeling and maintain focus on the creative task at hand with a new in-context user interface (UI) for polygon modeling tools that eliminates unnecessary mouse movement away from the model. Modelers can interactively manipulate properties, enter values directly at the point of interest in the viewport, and preview results prior to committing changes.
CAT Integration
More easily create and manage characters, and layer, load, save, remap, and mirror animations with the Character Animation Toolkit (CAT). Now fully integrated into 3ds Max, CAT provides an out-of-the-box advanced rigging and animation system. With its approachable, flexible toolset, animators can use default settings in CAT to help achieve high-quality results in less time—or completely customize rigs to include arbitrary morphology, embedded custom behaviors, and procedural controllers for more demanding character set-ups.
Ribbon Customization
Maximize the usable workspace and focus on the features that matter most for specialized workflows with customizable Ribbon layouts. Create and store personalized UI configurations that include frequently-used action items and macro scripts, and toggle the display of these configurations with the touch of a hotkey or button.
Other New Features
Autodesk 3ds Max 2011 software also includes the following key features:
mental ray 2011
The latest version of mental ray? renderer included with 3ds Max offers enhanced performance and stability.
Updated OpenEXR Image IO Plug-in
An updated OpenEXR plug-in supports unlimited layers in one EXR file and automatically stores Render Elements and G-Buffer channels to EXR layers.
Save to Previous Release
Manage the transition to 3ds Max 2011 with the option to save scene files in a format compatible with 3ds Max 2010.
Windows 7 Support
3ds Max 2011 adds Windows? 7 operating system as a supported platform.
FBX File Link with Autodesk Revit
Receive and manage updates to a file imported from Autodesk? Revit? Architecture software using the new FBX File Link.
Native Solids Import/Export
Non-destructively transfer trimmed surfaces, solids models, and assemblies between 3ds Max and certain other CAD applications that support SAT files.
Autodesk Material Library
Choose from up to 1,200 material templates, and more accurately exchange materials with other supporting Autodesk applications.
Google SketchUp Importer
Efficiently import Google? SketchUp? sketching software (SKP) version 6 and 7 files into 3ds Max.
Inventor Import Improvements
Import Autodesk? Inventor? software files into 3ds Max without the requirement for Inventor to be installed on the same machine. Plus, get better results when importing solids objects, materials, surfaces, and composites.
For a complete review of the new features and enhancements in Autodesk 3ds Max 2011, view the “What’s New” documentation on the 3ds Max family product center at Note: this link won't point to the 2011 release until the release ships in April.
3ds Max 2011 Changes/Enhancements
This is a more complete list of changes organized slightly differently. It's important to understand that the 2011 release delivers on some aspects of our XBR vision (as did 3ds Max 2010). XBR is being implemented in a series of phases, and with 3ds Max 2011, we can say that Phase 1 is complete. One down, two to go!
1.XBR Graphics
1.New Quicksilver hardware rendering using the GPU
2.Enhanced viewport material display (most 3ds Max legacy shaders were converted to metasl)
3.Improved MetaSL Shaders (performance and quality improvements in many areas)
1.New Slate Node-based Material Editor (with integrated metasl workflow)
2.Simplified material/map browsing
3.New Caddy UI for faster modeling
4.Fully customizable ribbon
5.New collapsible command panel
1.New Local Edits to Containers
2.New object paint feature in Viewport Canvas
3.New layered texture painting features in Viewport Canvas
4.New 3ds Max Composite (based on Autodesk toxik technology)
5.New mental ray 2011
6.Better snapping
7.Shift clicking selects loops or rings intelligently
8.CTRL clicking only adds to the selection sets instead of toggling
9.Bitmap pager changes (user control of paging)
10.New CAT character-animation toolset (with bug fixes and stability improvements)
11.New FBX File Link for Revit files (with several import optimizations)
12.Dynamite VSP for civil visualization (3ds Max Design subscription customers only)
13.New Autodesk Materials library and workflow (over 1,200 presets)
14.Native import of Inventor IPT/IAM files as solids
15.SAT file import/export and solid-model support
16.Native SketchUp file import
17.Improved OpenEXR support
18.Enhanced SGI RGBA file support
1.New “Save to 3ds Max/Design 2010”
2.100% plug-in compatible with 3ds Max/Design 2010
3.Windows 7 Support
5.New Third-party tools:
1.Craft Animation free tools
1.SoftMotionCam, ObserverCam, MultiStateCam, HumanizerCam, PreRigged Models (4)
2.Pixelactive Cityscape free tool for GIS import
6.New Content:
1.(10) Biped and (10) CAT rigged hires characters from aXYZ Design
2.(60) low-poly, mix of trees and palms from Marlin Studios
3.(25) high-quality vehicles from aXYZ Design
4.(50) low-poly, vehicles from Cacheforce
5.(20) assorted motion clips from Mixamo
6.(70) pedestrian motion capture clips (male and female)
7.“The Dark” animation (and related files) from NMTrix (
7.Unsupported features (not documented to work):
1.Exposed mental ray string options for “under-the-hood” manipulation of mental ray
2.Native import of Alias Design files (.WIRE) as surfaces
System Requirements (系统配置要求)
To run software at an optimal level, your computer hardware configuration will have to meet the minimal list of requirements. See this list of qualified hardware and systems requirements that are necessary to run your software application.
The 32-bit version of Autodesk? 3ds Max? 2011 software is supported by any of the operating systems: 1
Microsoft? Windows? 7 Professional operating system
Microsoft? Windows? Vista Business (SP2 or higher)
Microsoft? Windows? XP Professional (SP2 or higher)
Microsoft? Internet Explorer? 7.0 internet browser or higher
Mozilla? Firefox? 2.0 web browser or higher
The 64-bit version of 3ds Max 2011 software is supported by any of the operating systems: 1
Microsoft? Windows? XP Professional x64 operating system (SP2 or higher)
Microsoft? Windows Vista? Business x64 operating system (SP2 or higher)
Microsoft? Windows? 7 Professional x64 operating system
Microsoft? Internet Explorer? 7.0 internet browser or higher
Mozilla? Firefox? 2.0 web browser or higher
General animation and rendering (typically fewer than 1,000 objects or 100,000 polygons):
At a minimum, the 32-bit version of 3ds Max 2011 software requires a system with the following hardware:
Intel? Pentium? 4 1.4 GHz or equivalent AMD? processor with SSE2 technology 2
2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
2 GB swap space (4 GB recommended) 3
Direct3D? 10 technology, Direct3D 9, or OpenGL-capable graphics card 4
256 MB or higher video card memory
1 GB or higher recommended
Three-button mouse with mouse driver software
3 GB free hard drive space
DVD-ROM drive 5
Internet connection for web downloads and Subscription-aware access
3ds Max Composite media cache hard drive requirements:
10 GB minimum, 200 GB recommended
At a minimum, the 64-bit version of 3ds Max 2011 software requires a system with the following hardware:
Intel? 64 or AMD64 processor with SSE2 technology 2
4 GB RAM (8 GB recommended)
4 GB swap space (8 GB recommended) 3
Direct3D? 10 technology, Direct3D 9, or OpenGL-capable graphics card 4
256 MB or higher video card memory
1 GB or higher recommended
Three-button mouse with mouse driver software
3 GB free hard drive space
DVD-ROM drive 5
Internet connection for web downloads and Subscription-aware access
3ds Max Composite media cache hard drive requirements:
10 GB minimum, 200 GB recommended
Large scenes and complex data sets (typically more than 1,000 objects or 100,000 polygons):
Recommended, the 64-bit version of 3ds Max 2011 software requires a system with the following hardware:
Intel? 64 or AMD64 processor with SSE2 technology 2
8 GB swap space 2
Direct3D 10, Direct3D 9, or OpenGL-capable graphics card 4
1 GB or higher video card memory
Three-button mouse with mouse driver software
3 GB free hard drive space
DVD-ROM drive 5
Internet connection for web downloads and Subscription-aware access
3ds Max Composite media cache hard drive requirements:
10 GB minimum, 200 GB recommended
已经过安装测试,测试系统为windows 7 Ultimate x32
安全检测软件:ESET Smart Security 4

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