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《布料褶皱素描教程》(Vilppu Drawing Drapery The Clothed Figure)

发表于 2009-7-27 08:25:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

中文名: 布料褶皱素描教程
英文名: Vilppu Drawing Drapery The Clothed Figure
发行时间: 2000年
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语

Drapery - Covers the basic concepts of drapery including the seven basic folds and drawing the clothed figure

Review:This one, as in all of Vilppu's videos are excellent. Villpu is a fine instructor with over 40 years of experience to back it up. If you are a beginner, rent all of his videos; if you are advanced, I am sure you will learn from his Drapery video, as well as the others he offers. The videos were shot in a classroom setting, along with the noise of the classroom - notebook binders opening/closing etc. - but the content and closups of his drawing are excellent.

画家Glenn Vilppu简介:

毕业于美国顶尖的艺术学府-艺术设计中央学院(Art Center College of Design),是美国知名的画家,特别在素描领域卓有成绩,与迪斯尼,Dreamwork等许多世界大公司进行合作,创作出大量的经典作品. 从1978年开始,Glenn Vilppu就开始跻身于教育和动画行业,专注于为更多的人提供更专业美术教学,指引更多的人在艺术的道路上实现自己的理想.
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