Tutorials3D:Ferrari F430 - 3D Modeling Tutorial
Ferrari F430 - 3D Modeling Tutorial通过64节课程教你如何在3dsmax中创建一辆法拉利F430跑车。
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Tutorials3D Ferrari F430 CD
Supply........: ViRGiN HUNTERZ
Released.By...: ViRGiN HUNTERZ
Release.Date..: 05/2007
Disks.........: 11
Protection....: Licensed
Release.Name..: v-t3fef4.rar
Format........: iso
Platform......: All
Program.Type..: Training
Website.Link..: http://tutorials3d.com/eng/tut_sheet.asp?tut_id=16
With this tutorial you will learn the techniques
that are required for obtain images of great realism.
We are currently looking for:
- extreme flash programer with very long
experiences with flash and actionscript.
- any good stuff for releasing, we need if
you have access to new release of good
quality bookware or other stuff.
Contact us: vihsupply@hush.ai
Lessons: 64
Detail images: 1134
Progress files: 67
Model vertices: 75077
Posted date: 11/20/2006
Aprox. duration: 20-25 days
*Real case: how to create a 3D model for a Ferrari F430
*20-25 training days (is really a fll 3D course!!)
*Download the tutorials in html format or request a CD
*Great detail level and step by step explanation[/CODEbox]