《时尚艺术家-时装画绘制技术》(Fashion Artist - Drawing Techniques to Portfolio Presentation)[PDF]
中文名: 时尚艺术家-时装画绘制技术
英文名: Fashion Artist - Drawing Techniques to Portfolio Presentation
资源格式: PDF
发行时间: 2006年8月15日
地区: 美国
语言: 英文
"Fashion Artist: Second Edition" is now in colour with updated images. The book guides you through key fashion drawing and design techniques. Starting with basic figure templates, you quickly progress to produce visually exciting and creative illustrations, which are developed into dynamic presentations and your design portfolio - the passport to your career. Thorough text, self-explanatory drawings, photographs of the fashion model, together with artwork from international designers and illustrators, this book demonstrates the accepted design standards used in the fashion industry. The book also includes: Nine Heads Template; Drawing from Life; Flats/Working Drawings; Presentation Boards and Design Portfolio; Women, Men, Children, Costume Design, CAD. "Fashion Artist" is used internationally on fashion courses and as a self-learning programme. It is an invaluable textbook for fashion students, designers, illustrators and those with a passion for fashion!
Getting Started
Art Kit
Sketch Books
Oval and Triangle Technique
Fleshing Out
Figure Templates
Drawing From Life
Clothing Design
Fabric Rendering
Design Presentations
Costume Design
Design Portfolio |