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《德国Nemetschek Allplan三维建筑模型设计软件》

发表于 2009-9-2 09:30:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
《德国Nemetschek Allplan三维建筑模型设计软件》(Nemetschek Allplan BIM )V2009 MULTiLANGUAGE[光盘镜像]

中文名: 德国Nemetschek Allplan三维建筑模型设计软件
英文名: Nemetschek Allplan BIM
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2009年
制作发行: Nemetschek Allplan GmbH地区: 德国
语言: 英文,多语言


Nemetschek Allplan 是一款用来快速开发 3D 建筑模型设计软件,简单易用并功能强大,不输与 Autodesk。而且人性化的设计更让你可以快速地建立开发及维护你的建筑模型。是与 ArchiCAD 称兄道弟的强大建筑设计软件,功能上互有短长。Allplan 是为建筑师和设计者设计的智能方案。可以将所有设计需要依赖于Allplan 。智能的建筑设计软件,提供了建筑物设计和绘图过程的整合方案,适用于大、小建筑商。
@ 平面图可产生立,剖面,细部图,透视,动画,虚拟实境。
@ 可在3D状态下修改尺寸
@ 自动配置梁,柱及尺寸
@ 可输出网路格式与客户在网路上沟通
@ 可做特殊线板及家具
@ 团队合作版本让档案可以进行分享,修改与管理的动作
@ 自动产生室内四向立面图
@ 保护锁可以跨平台支援Mac OS与Windows
@ 可将施工进度作成movie档
@ 可将平面图直接产生分类报表
@ 可建立特殊造型图库
@ 可绘制圆木屋造型
@ 浮动设定板让工作区域更组织化
@ 自订的工作对话框让许多常用的工具在使用上更方便
@ 聪明的基座剖面可以更简单的提供许多元件,即使是在一个复杂的模组环境中也是一样
@ 强化图库搜寻功能,让智慧GDL更容易找到
@ 全新的文字编辑工具让使用者可以更快速与简单的建立与输入多种文字资讯
@ 使用者现在可以分享自订的工作环境,提供CAD管理者更有力量的工具来建立和维持公司标准

Design and Construction within Existing Buildings
Allplan 2009 Architecture enables alteration, demolition and renovations or re-development plans to be drawn up efficiently and quantities to be calculated quickly. This is made possible with the help of special CAD libraries served by graphic assistants. The libraries contain pre-defined components with the necessary attributes for new and existing buildings, demolitions and new buildings. In addition to providing greater clarity, these libraries also reduce organisational effort and ensure uniform office standards. As a system user, you'll benefit from rapid access and greater productivity when planning renovation work. Furthermore, by using Allplan 2009 Architecture, you'll be able to accurately plan the costs of alterations, renovations and re-development work on the basis of precise quantity calculations.
Energy-efficient and Sustainable Construction
Allplan 2009 Architecture provides a wide range of tools for energyconsulting - from the installation of photovoltaic and solar thermal systems to energy indicators allowing rapid analysis of energy-related building re-development work. The optional energy performance certificate module allows energy and environmental appraisals based on the specific regional standards in Germany, Austria, Italy and France to be derived directly from the program and legally-required energy performance certificates to be created.
In order to satisfy requirements for the increasing use of renewable or re-useable building materials, the new version has a special functionality for creating walls for timber constructions. This tool provides support when planning constructions made of timber or timber/masonry composites. You thus have a practical tool at your disposal that helps make planning more ecological and more sustainable in the future. In addition Nemetschek Allplan together with the Weto AG developed a solution that can be optionally extended to form a complete timber construction solution, including manufacturing planning and CNC machine control.
Simplified Data Conversion
Allplan 2009 Architecture has pre-defined settings to facilitate the import and export of data. These pre-defined settings simplify the exchange of DWG and DXF data.
Simple Archiving of Plans
Plans can be saved in the PDF/A format using Allplan 2009 Architecture. PDF/A is an ISO standard that guarantees the readability of electronic documents many years from now and helps you to quickly, easily and cheaply comply with legally-required document retention periods. PDF/A documents can be created in Allplan 2009 Architecture without the need for any additional aids. Simply select the required format.
Impressive Fa?ades
Allplan 2009 Architecture now offers the option of creating free form facades. This includes straight-line, polyline, arc and spline-shaped forms facades, which can be planar, curved or inclined. The new version facilitates the setting of glass facades into post-and-rail, element and straight-behind constructions. In addition, you'll no longer have to model each and every individual component yourself, since you'll have a range of pre-defined fa?ade types at your disposal. The most common applications have already been defined and are provided as fa?ade favourites. The new range of functions allows you more freedom when designing and is especially suited to complex fa?ade geometries.
Optimised Data Exchange
The new version of Allplan supports the Rhino, VRML and Maxwell Render 3D formats in addition to the standard PDF and IFC formats. The new formats facilitate the import and export of design models and the exchange of organic shapes, as well as supporting physically-correct lighting calculations. The interface to CINEMA 4D software has been optimized and now allows you to choose whether to transfer camera, lighting settings and background settings as scene objects into the 3D animation and rendering software.
Improved Plan Management
The new plan structure allows the flexible and structured organisation and management of all your plans, e.g. drafts, approvals and implementation plans. Allplan 2009 Architecture offers a number of pre-defined plan structures. Clarity is noticeably increased and organisation simplified - particularly where large numbers of plans are involved.
Efficient Workflows
Many of the new improvements have been made in close consultation with users. These include the more accurate aligning of plan elements when editing, the use of open-type fonts in addition to true-type and postscript fonts, automatic area labelling and much, much more. With Allplan 2009 Architecture, you'll be able to work more efficiently, more productively and you'll see your ideas come to fruition more quickly.
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