Autodesk Maya是欧特克旗下最著名的三维特效软件之一。自2001年以来所有获得奥斯卡“最佳视觉效果奖”的影片以及全部20大游戏发行商都使用了Autodesk Maya。在过去十年中,Autodesk Maya 已经成为了许多全球顶级制片公司的首选创意工具,并被用来帮助全球的数字艺术家们来创造独特和创新的娱乐体验。例如,Chris Landreth 的《The Spine》等独立制作电影以及奥斯卡最佳《返老还童》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) 等创新的视效大片都使用了 Autodesk Maya。
欧特克主管传媒娱乐业务的高级副总裁 Marc Petit 解释说:“艺术家们需要拥有比以往任何时候更高要求的创新能力来吸引观众,随时密切关注这个变化迅速、丰富多彩的数字娱乐和设计领域。Autodesk Maya 2010将为艺术家们提供这种创新能力,让艺术家以更低的成本和更轻松的方式创建一个富有凝聚力的计算机图形生产线,将平面和三维、模拟动画以及渲染合成融合在一起,从而更高效地创造创新的娱乐体验。”
Autodesk® Maya® 3D modeling, animation, rendering, and visual effects software offers artists an end-to-end creative workflow. Autodesk Maya 2010 software is the first release to unify the Autodesk® Maya® Complete 2009 and Autodesk® Maya® Unlimited 2009 feature sets, advanced matchmoving capabilities, and high dynamic range compositing into a single affordable package*. Also included for a complete CG workflow are 5 additional mental ray® for Maya batch** rendering nodes and the Autodesk® Backburner™† network render queue manager.
Version 2010:
Autodesk® Maya® 2010 software is the first release to unify the Autodesk® Maya® Complete 2009 and Autodesk® Maya® Unlimited 2009 feature sets, advanced matchmoving capabilities, and high dynamic range compositing.
Mac OS X 10.5.2 or later
2 GB of RAM
2 GB hard disk space
Hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card
Three-button mouse
Note: Please delete version 2009 before using this patch.
*.dmg also includes MatchMover 2010 crack and Toxik 2010 crack, if they interest you.