全球二维、三维数字设计软件业领导者欧特克公司(Autodesk, Inc.)宣布已签署协议,全面并购 Avid Technology旗下、为影视及游戏市场开发三维技术的Softimage的全部商业资产(市值约 3500 万美金)。此次并购将进一步增强Autodesk在传媒娱乐行业的实力,完善其数字娱乐和可持续通信类产品线及解决方案,为Autodesk强大的可视设计及视觉特效帝国扩充新军。
创办于1986年的Softimage以为电影、电视和游戏市场开发三维技术而著称。和Autodesk的传媒娱乐业务部门一样,Softimage的总部也设在加拿大蒙特利尔市。Softimage的旗舰产品 Softimage、XSI是在各大传媒和娱乐机构中广泛使用的一种可扩展的三维动画软件解决方案,在业界倍受赞誉。
此次并购,Autodesk计划将保留并扩充Softimage的核心生产线,同时把某些 Softimage技术整合到欧特克解决方案的未来版本和产品中。通过并购,Softimage产品和欧特克另两款业界著名的产品Autodesk 3ds Max 以及 Autodesk Maya之间的互操作性将得到全面改善。这对于钟情于这两大视觉设计技术工具品牌的广大视觉特效设计师和艺术家们来说,无疑是一大幸事。此外,通过 Autodesk FBX,Softimage产品与Autodesk其它专用应用程序之间的互操作性也会有较大提升。
Autodesk 计划并购和将继续开发的Softimage产品将包括:供游戏、电影和电视使用,并可提供完善的三维建模、动画、渲染和开发环境的生产验证三维动画软件 Softimage、XSI;能够快速创建栩栩如生动画面部的三维立体面容完善软件解决方案Softimage、Face Robot;用于Autodesk 3ds Max 软件的插件、高级角色动画系统Softimage、Cat以及可整合Autodesk自身的互操作性技术的Softimage、Crosswalk等。
Softimage公司所开发的Face Robot软件是第一款Toolset产品,能帮助设计者们制作出非常逼真的动画人物面孔。
Face Robot可以使动画设计师专著于面部表情的细节雕刻,制作出的表情极为生动,在很大程度上提高了面部动画的制作能力,使设计者可以为高端电影、游戏程序等制作出如真人般的面孔。
Face Robot在运用了解剖学研究的基础上,还使用了前所未有的新型面部软组织电脑模型来模仿人类所有的面部表情。
1. Install application.
2. Replace installed .exe with cracked one @:
C:\Softimage\Face_Robot_1.9_QFE4\Application\bin\ - ================================================================================
- Autodesk - Softimage Face Robot 1.9
- ================================================================================
- http://www.softimage.com/products/facerobot/
- RELEASE TYPE: 3D Application
- RELEASE DATE: 02/11/2009
- CRACKED BY: bazuka
- Better Facial Animation ?Faster
- Face Robot is a complete software solution for rigging and animating 3D faces
- easily. Face Robot enables studios to create life-like facial animation at
- incredible speeds. Animators are free to concentrate on emotion, expression and
- delivering unforgettable performances. Face Robot is a premium service solution
- that comes with the full research and development support of Softimage
- Face Robot applications:
- * Create realistic, expressive facial animation for games, film and
- television productions.
- * Ultra realistic real-time facial animation for games. Even at low
- resolutions, the quality is amazing.
- * Fits into your existing pipeline with new Maya exporter. Bring a Face
- Robot rigged and animated head into Maya for use in your projects.
- What抯 new in Face Robot 1.9
- Softimage Face Robot 1.9 introduces a new export system for Autodesk Maya
- software that allows artists to create a shape-based version of Face Robot
- deformers, and move it directly into Maya. This new feature builds on the
- recent addition of a new 23-part training video supplement, seven ready-to-use
- preset head models, and seamless operation with Softimage|XSI software and its
- Crosswalk, MOTOR (motion transfer), Delta Referencing and Animation Layers
- features.
- ==============================
- ==============================
- 1. Install application.
- 2. Replace installed .exe with cracked one @:
- C:\Softimage\Face_Robot_1.9_QFE4\Application\bin\
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