《Digital Juice Fonts: Collection Three影视字体素材》(Digital.Juice.Fonts3.Part1/Part2)[光盘镜像]
中文名: Digital Juice Fonts: Collection Three影视字体素材
英文名: Digital.Juice.Fonts3.Part1/Part2
资源格式: 光盘镜像
发行时间: 2009年9月14日
地区: 美国
对白语言: 英语
文字语言: 英文
IPB Image
Digital Juice 出品的精品字体集,该字体产品线包含35种独特的DJ字体系列,超过1300个可随时使用的标准DJ字体,200多字体材质,超过20款 Bitstream 的 OpenType 字体,以及无限量可能性定制你自己的DJ字体。
著名Digital Juice发行的商业级动态影视素材–电视台,影视公司,广告公司等专用的动态影视素材,影视制作和影视后期设计人员必备的专业素材。它是一套专业的影视后期素材被广泛的各影视制作公司和电视台!“巧妇难为无米之炊”,没有素材的支持,创作便成了无源之水,无本之木。精彩的创意最终需要素材来构建。而且,丰富、精美的素材会极大地激发你的创作灵感。以具体、精美的素材为基础的创意,必然产生高效率的制作和完美的艺术作品。影视制作和影视后期设计人员的佳品!
Digital Juice
Fonts 专业级影视字体素材,影视制作和影视后期设计人员必备的专业字体素材。专为电视台,多媒体公司,广告片头制作公司…提供的广播级别的视频素材。视频素材效果质量不会比索贝动态影视素材差。甚至某些素材效果质量还超这个级别。这是一套在其他地方,用这样价格买不来的完整素材库。这套视频背景素材V23是笔者见过的最好的一份视频素材。是用于电视台最佳视频素材。通过本视频素材,很容易的创作出另人惊叹的商业作品效果。
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection One is the culmination of more than fifty man-years of artistic and programming effort on the part of our Digital Juice development teams. It is also the harbinger of a whole new level of customization in the Digital Juice product arsenal.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product we've ever released.
Collection One in the DJ Fonts product line contains 35 unique DJ Font Families, over 1300 ready-to-use Standard DJ Fonts, over 200 Font Textures, more than 20 Bitstream OpenType fonts, and an unlimited number of possibilites to customize and make your own DJ Fonts.
DJ Fonts is designed to be simple and easy-to-use. Simply select your DJ Font and start typing.
Of course you can also select your canvas size and resolution depending on the need of your project.
Release: Digital.Juice.Fonts3.Part1.DVD-TSG
URL: http://www.digitaljuice.com/products/products.asp?pid=944
Date: 09-03-2009
Type: Fonts
Files: 48 x 50mb
Digital Juice Fonts, Collection Three takes off right where we left off in
the second collection with twelve completely new font families and over 500
new DJ Fonts.
Collection Three has more than 100 new textures and each Font Family has
more layers to customize than ever before. That means more options, more
looks, and more fun.
Each DJ Font Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a product
more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
we've ever released.
Collection Three in the DJ Fonts product line contains 12 unique DJ Font
Families, over 500 ready-to-use DJ Standard Fonts, over 100 Font Textures,
and an unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
Unrar, burn or mount.
Use included keygen to generate your own serial for Juicer 3 installation.
Huge thanks to SSG for providing us this keygen.
Enjoy (optional).
We are not looking for any suppliers or traders, so, if you want to play
one of those roles in our group, just forget it, there is no chance for you.
If you're siteop of nice site which accepts footage, cliparts and samples
releases, we will be glad to speak with you about affilling your site.
If you can provide us with some sexy girls for meditations, please,
drop us a note as well smile.gif
There is no way contact us, except asking people around..
We want to sent our greetings to SSG who helping us by providing keygens
for some of our releases. Huge thanks and respect to you guys! smile.gif |